
NEGS Scholarship Options

Academic Scholarships are offered to students entering Years 7 to 11 who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of examination success and demonstrated academic achievement and entitle the recipients to part remission of tuition fees to the end of Year 12. All other expenses must be met at the full rate.

For 2027 Academic Scholarships testing will occur in February 2026. Please register your interest and further information will be sent.

The scholarships are reviewed on an annual basis and it is the School’s expectation that recipients of Academic Scholarships maintain a high academic standard throughout their schooling and represent the School as and when requested.

Download the Application Form

These scholarships aim to provide financial support to students excelling in Hockey, Rugby, Netball , Athletics, and various Equestrian Disciplines, acknowledging the significant cost to families associated with travel and supplies for students competing at representative levels.

Sporting Excellence Scholarships are part remission of fees, and are assessed on a case-by-case basis.


  • An ability, interest and potential in the nominated sport, already achieving representative levels.
  • A recognisable commitment to school studies and academic performance.
  • An excellent record of school conduct and attendance.

The scholarships are reviewed on an annual basis and it is the school’s expectation that recipients of Sporting Excellence Scholarships maintain continued development and improvement in the nominated sport, commitment to academic performance, represent the school as and when requested and acceptable levels of attendance and adherence to the schools’ code of conduct.

Download the Application Form

Jean Newall All-Rounder Scholarships are offered to Senior School students who demonstrate high levels of academic achievement, evidence of leadership or community service, significant co-curricular participation and will contribute to the life of the School. The Scholarships entitle the recipients to part remission of tuition fees to the end of Year 12. All other expenses must be met at the full rate.

The School reserves the right to withdraw a scholarship from any scholarship holder.

All applicants for Jean Newall All-Rounder Scholarships are also required to:

  • Submit a portfolio outlining the Applicant’s achievements in the last two years in her school and in the community. The portfolio should include all evidence of a developing or sustained commitment to community service initiatives or organisations in their school, local or global community and evidence of other achievements during the last two years.

The scholarships are reviewed on an annual basis and it is the school’s expectation that recipients of Jean Newall All Rounder Scholarship maintain commitment to academic performance, represent the school as and when requested, to be involved in leadership and service within the school community, and acceptable levels of attendance and adherence to the schools’ code of conduct.

Download the Application Form

Applications are now open for new day student scholarships at NEGS, in honour of the school’s founder, Miss Florence Green.

Florence Green, established NEGS in 1895 through tenacity and dedication to education.

On 7 February 1895, Miss Florence Green opened NEGS’ doors to just six-day students. In the 128 years since, her values of integrity, responsibility and excellence continue to guide every new student to walk through the School’s gates. NEGS’ focus is to empower students to lead meaningful lives, to be resilient and unafraid of risk, just as Florence Green was unafraid in her decision to move to Armidale and establish the school.

How to apply

The scholarships are open to new students currently in Years 5 to 11, and will be awarded based on:

  • Strong academic merit. Students will have strong school reports and a demonstrated record of sound academic progress, effort and achievement.
  • Demonstrated ability in areas of service, sport, leadership and other co-curricular activities.

The scholarships are reviewed on an annual basis and it is the school’s expectation that recipients of the Florence Green All Rounder Scholarship maintain commitment to academic performance, represent the school as and when requested, to be involved in leadership and service within the school community, and acceptable levels of attendance and adherence to the schools’ code of conduct.

Download the Application Form

These scholarships are offered to students entering Years 9 – 11 who demonstrate a particular flair in their artistic and/or design ability. Students applying for this scholarship will demonstrate a creative ability as well as the potential to achieve excellence scholastically in areas of Art and Design. It is assumed that any applicant will be proactive in developing their practical skills and understanding of Art and/or Design history/theory.

All applicants for Visual Art and Design Scholarships are required to:

  1. Sit the Academic Scholarship Test;
  2. Provide a portfolio with examples of the applicant’s own drawings, designs and/or artworks. Each folder and artwork is to be clearly labelled.
  3. Along with a portfolio, each applicant is to submit a written investigation to demonstrate their understanding of Art History and/or the Design World. Students can complete this section of the criteria by submitting ONE of the following options:
    (a) Submit a report on an artist, designer or architect of their choosing outlining the significance of that practitioner’s work, their influences/inspiration, materials, processes and techniques. (max. 1200 words)
    (b) Respond to the question below:
    Artworks are not just created for their visual appeal. They often communicate powerful ideas that existed in the world in which they were created.
    Discuss this statement with reference to TWO or THREE specific artists, craftspeople, designers and/or architects you have studied. Be sure to include a specific example (artwork or designed object/concept) in each paragraph to back up your main argument. (max. 1200 words).

Assessment Details:

Students are to submit their artistic Portfolio and written task by
21 January annually to:


Enrolments Office,
NEGS, Uralla Road
Armidale, NSW, 2350

The scholarships are reviewed on an annual basis and it is the school’s expectation that recipients of the Visual Arts and Design Scholarship maintain commitment to academic performance, represent the school as and when requested, to be involved in leadership and service within the school community, and acceptable levels of attendance and adherence to the schools’ code of conduct.

Download the Application Form

Music Scholarships are offered for students entering Years 7 to 11, who demonstrate outstanding music achievement or potential.

Music scholarships are awarded primarily on the quality of audition, however, examination success and demonstrated academic achievement will also be taken into consideration. The audition process will include a performance of one piece, an interview, sight reading/singing and some questions on music literacy (based on the level of AMEB grade completion).

Music scholarships are reviewed annually and if these criteria are met, will apply for the duration of studies at NEGS, unless otherwise specified. As a condition of the scholarship the student will continue lessons in their chosen field (voice or instrumental) and perform regularly at school music events. The cost for instrumental tuition is met entirely by parents.

Scholarship recipients are expected to be fully involved in the music life of the school including membership of relevant ensembles. The successful applicant will be expected to study music as a subject through to the Higher School Certificate.


Students are expected to have achieved the following standard for their instrument:

  • Grade 2 AMEB standard or equivalent for Voice
  • Grade 3 AMEB standard or equivalent for Brass and Woodwind
  • Grade 4 AMEB standard or equivalent for Piano and Strings

All applicants for Music Scholarships are required to sit the Academic Scholarship test and complete and submit the form below:

The scholarships are reviewed on an annual basis and it is the school’s expectation that recipients of the Music Scholarship maintain commitment to academic performance, represent the school as and when requested, to be involved in leadership and service within the school community, and acceptable levels of attendance and adherence to the schools’ code of conduct.

Download the Application Form

Each year, our generous Queensland Old Girls’ Branch donate funds towards a scholarship in support of a student who would benefit from a NEGS education but requires financial support to do so.

Recipients of this scholarship must be boarders with a demonstrated financial need, and descendants of NEGS Old Girls are encouraged to apply.

The scholarships are reviewed on an annual basis and it is the school’s expectation that recipients of the Queensland Old Girls’ Scholarships maintain commitment to academic performance, represent the school as and when requested, to be involved in leadership and service within the school community, and acceptable levels of attendance and adherence to the schools’ code of conduct.

Each year, our generous Queensland Old Girls’ Branch donate funds towards a scholarship in support of a student who would benefit from a NEGS education but requires financial support to do so.

Recipients of this scholarship must be boarders with a demonstrated financial need, and a relative of a NEGS Old Girl.

The scholarships are reviewed on an annual basis and it is the school’s expectation that recipients of the Armidale Old Girls’ Scholarships maintain commitment to academic performance, represent the school as and when requested, to be involved in leadership and service within the school community, and acceptable levels of attendance and adherence to the schools’ code of conduct.

Each year, our generous Sydney Old Girls’ Branch donate funds towards a scholarship in support of a student who would benefit from a NEGS education but requires financial support to do so. Recipients of this scholarship must be boarders with a demonstrated financial need, and descendants of NEGS Old Girls are encouraged to apply.

Recipients of this scholarship must be boarders with a demonstrated financial need, and descendants of NEGS Old Girls are encouraged to apply.

The scholarships are reviewed on an annual basis and it is the school’s expectation that recipients of the Sydney Old Girls’ Scholarships maintain commitment to academic performance, represent the school as and when requested, to be involved in leadership and service within the school community, and acceptable levels of attendance and adherence to the schools’ code of conduct.

The Lisa Cameron Bursary was established in memory of Lisa Elaine Cameron, a NEGS Old Girl who attended NEGS from 1941-1943.

The bursary is awarded to families in need of financial assistance who will benefit from a NEGS education and make the most of the opportunities the school provides.

All applicants for this bursary are required to:

  1. Complete and submit an Application for Enrolment Form (unless this has been completed previously) and provide all documentation referred to in that form;
  2. Complete and submit the Bursary Application Form and provide all documentation referred to in that form;
  3. Attend an interview with the Principal.

The School reserves the right to withdraw a bursary from any bursary holder. It is the school’s expectation that recipients of the Lisa Cameron Bursary maintain commitment to academic performance, represent the school as and when requested, to be involved in leadership and service within the school community, and acceptable levels of attendance and adherence to the schools’ code of conduct.

This bursary is offered to students who will contribute to the life of the school.

Download the Application Form

Boarding Bursaries are offered to boarding students who have a strong desire to attend NEGS, demonstrate significant potential to contribute to the boarding and general life of NEGS and demonstrate genuine financial need. The Bursary entitle the recipients to part remission of boarding fees to the end of Year 12. All other expenses must be met at the full rate. Bursaries are reviewed annually.

All applicants for Boarding Bursary are required to:

  1. Submit financial statements (where applicable) and tax returns for the last financial year.

The bursaries are reviewed on an annual basis and it is the School’s expectation that recipients of a Boarding Bursary maintain all round commitment to all areas of their schooling, including contributing to the boarding life of the School and represent the School as and when requested.

Download the Application Form

The Bush Children’s Education Foundation of NSW (BCEF) provides assistance to families who live in remote rural locations with restricted financial resources so that their children can attend a rural boarding school for their secondary schooling.

The Secondary Rural Boarding Bursary is designed to bridge the gap between the cost of rural boarding and funding received through NSW and Commonwealth Government allowances. It is awarded on the basis of family income and geographical isolation from an appropriate school along with any other exceptional circumstances that meet our criteria as outlined in the application form.

The Rural Boarding Bursary is awarded for one year. It includes boarding fee support and may include additional payments for other appropriate school costs. Payment is made in one instalment directly to the school.

Applicants must reapply each year, for further information and to apply visit the BCEF website and complete the Application.

You can also contact BCEF at either info@bcef.org.au or on 0492 878 622 if you have any questions or would like further information.

NEGS was founded as an independent Anglican School in 1895, by Florence Emily Green, a deeply religious educator from Oamaru, New Zealand.The aim of the school was to provide an all-round education for girls, with a strong emphasis on Christian values, in order to prepare students for the challenges of the new century.

The Florence Green Memorial Chapel was opened and consecrated by the Rt Rev John Moyes, Bishop of Armidale, on 29 September 1936, St. Michael and All Angels Day.

About the Scholarship

The Anglican Clergy Scholarship is open to Anglican Clergy and employees of Anglican diocese across Australia. In order for an application to be considered, a letter of introduction from a diocesan Bishop is required.

The scholarship will provide an annual discount to tuition for years K to 12 based on the current fee schedule (the amount may be indexed to CPI from time to time), however all other charges including daily meals, activity fees, bus fees, textbook hire, co-curricular activities, sporting activities, sporting registrations, school camps, excursions, uniforms and other relevant fees will be invoiced separately and at the full rate indicated on the Fee Schedule.

How to Apply

To apply for the Anglican Clergy Scholarship please complete the application form.

NEGS Boarding School

How to Apply

Step 1: Submit Your Application

Applications for all scholarships and bursaries are accepted year-round. However, we encourage families to apply by March to be considered in the first round of offers.

Step 2: Provide Supporting Documents

  • Scholarships: Applicants may need to submit portfolios, audition recordings, or other materials depending on the scholarship type.
  • Bursaries: Families must submit financial statements and tax returns by the end of October each year.

Step 3: Annual Review

Scholarships and bursaries are reviewed annually. Recipients are expected to maintain a strong all-round commitment to their academic studies, co-curricular activities, and adherence to school values.

Applications Are Now Open

NEGS is committed to empowering students with exceptional opportunities to thrive academically, creatively, and personally. Don’t miss the chance to secure a scholarship or bursary for your child. For more information, get in touch with our enrolments team.

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